How your menstrual cycle works
Your menstrual cycle works in fabulous and amazing ways and it is so much more than having your period. It took us ages to realise how my menstrual cycle works,...
How your menstrual cycle works
Your menstrual cycle works in fabulous and amazing ways and it is so much more than having your period. It took us ages to realise how my menstrual cycle works,...

When were menstrual cups invented?
For millennia menstruators have used natural fibres to create reusable and #wastefree menstrual products. The ancient Egyptians used softened papyrus to create early tampons and many cultures used fabrics to...
When were menstrual cups invented?
For millennia menstruators have used natural fibres to create reusable and #wastefree menstrual products. The ancient Egyptians used softened papyrus to create early tampons and many cultures used fabrics to...
3 Reasons why menstrual cups are the future
You’ve heard a bit about the environmental, financial and social impact of reusable menstrual products but what’s the actual deal? Save Money Let’s look at the facts. We’re aware there’s...
3 Reasons why menstrual cups are the future
You’ve heard a bit about the environmental, financial and social impact of reusable menstrual products but what’s the actual deal? Save Money Let’s look at the facts. We’re aware there’s...

5 things having a baby taught me about my cervix
Matilda, Myoni Co-founder How well do you know your cervix? I didn’t know much about mine until becoming pregnant. Now I’m so much more conscious of my cervix as a...
5 things having a baby taught me about my cervix
Matilda, Myoni Co-founder How well do you know your cervix? I didn’t know much about mine until becoming pregnant. Now I’m so much more conscious of my cervix as a...

A week of little sleep but full of BIG ideas!
Sarah, Myoni Co-founder The Myriad innovation festival was an amazing experience that was preluded by more action-packed madness in San Francisco. I didn’t sleep a whole lot that week. In...
A week of little sleep but full of BIG ideas!
Sarah, Myoni Co-founder The Myriad innovation festival was an amazing experience that was preluded by more action-packed madness in San Francisco. I didn’t sleep a whole lot that week. In...

Why "Myoni"?
"My Yoni" my mʌɪ/ determiner possesive pronoun: my belonging to or associated with the speaker. ..... yoni ˈjəʊni/ noun Hinduism noun: yoni; plural noun: yonis the vulva, especially as a...
Why "Myoni"?
"My Yoni" my mʌɪ/ determiner possesive pronoun: my belonging to or associated with the speaker. ..... yoni ˈjəʊni/ noun Hinduism noun: yoni; plural noun: yonis the vulva, especially as a...